Gareth Bate

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The Liberty Gleaner

Arts & Design Gleanings
(Featuring Gareth Bate's Penance Performance)
May/June 2008
Curtesy of the The Liberty Gleaner
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The Liberty Gleaner

Arts & Design Gleanings
(Featuring Gareth Bate's Penance Performance)
May/June 2008
Curtesy of the The Liberty Gleaner
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Toronto artist Gareth Bate performed Penance on Queen Street West last year. Bate recieved the 401 Richmond Career-Launcher prize for 2007, and was awarded the use of the 500-square-foot studio in the 401 Richmond building (401 Richmond St. W.) for a full year. His current show, "Lament," was launched on May 24 and runs to June 21 at Gallery 260.